Why your calling has very little to do with you

Why are you here? This is a huge question people ask because we seek purpose: why am I here? It’s a very existential, personal, and profound question. As with many western thinkers, Christians in America (including yours truly) have turned “calling”...

3 questions guaranteed to transform your productivity

At least once a week people mention to me they wish they could be more productive. I intentionally schedule in fifteen minutes at the end of every work day to triage the next day and ask myself three questions. I first came across these questions a few years ago and...

Staying in second never wins

Do you know what’s the most heartbreaking medal to receive in the Olympics? Silver. I’ve never heard someone say, “When I go to the Olympics, I hope to get a silver medal.” It’s not in our DNA to finish second. I’ve also never seen...

Whitman, Apple, and the Powerful Play

Last year Apple ran a profoundly impactful ad for its new iPad Air. It’s a montage where Robin Williams reads from Walt Whitman’s ponderous poem “Oh me! Oh life!” which finishes with the million-dollar question, “What good amid these, O...